Friday, November 28, 2008

parsing XML

So It turns out parsing XML in .net is drop dead simple. For those who know this is really helped out by knowing XPath. Now the XPath was made simple for me by the tool XPath Explorer. Now if you google for XPath Explorer and find that the most recent stuff is for xmlfixture don't worry. That appears to the newest work by the developer. I just wanted the old XPE so that is located here. This allowed me to figure out the xpath for a given node and enter that in the XMLDocument.selectNodes(xpath) to return the values for that node. Very cool.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In testing a new web part outside of sharepoint - I had a heck of a time. It turns out that all I needed to do was create a test web site and add the web part as a reference. Then the web part showed up in the palette in the designer view and I could drag it to the page. Woo Hoo!!

First Post

I debated - not very long though on a wiki vs a blog. I chose a blog just because.
The purpose of this blog was to leave myself notes on my learning for .Net. If you think I have said something stupid- it can happen- please be nice when you correct me. If you think I have said something ignorant - please gently correct me.